Whether you are looking for emergency or primary power, want a reliable back-up solution or need to perform a load test, we’re here to help.
More about this solutionOur dedicated experts ask intelligent questions – and are up front if there are any specific things about your business that we don’t yet know. That’s how we offer rental solutions that really work, today and tomorrow. We have a responsibility to make a difference. So we seek out opportunities to reduce fuel consumption and emissions. It doesn’t matter what challenge you have: we always strive to create the best solution for you by taking into account sustainability, reliability and your economic situation.
We specialise in solutions for industry, offshore, hospitals, data centres, utilities and events. We’re here to help.
Whether you are looking for emergency or primary power, want a reliable back-up solution or need to perform a load test, we’re here to help.
More about this solutionDo you need a reliable heating solution to support your industrial process or to control the climate in your location? We can give you advice.
More about this solutionPerhaps you’re looking for emergency cooling, or seasonal or project support. Whatever your demands, we’ve got it covered with our air and water cooling solutions.
More about this solutionOur starting point for every project is to understand your exact needs in detail. So we’ll sit down with you, ask intelligent questions and listen carefully to your answers until we do.
We immerse ourselves in your world to create your ideal solution.
We love coming up with innovative solutions. It’s one of our passions.
We promise to develop a reliable application, whatever your needs.
We‘re here to help 24/7 to power your business.
The highest standards of quality and safety underpin our solutions.
Pon Energy Rental has proven to be a very proactive supplier who has met the customer's needs in a very good way. Pon Energy Rental has been a decisive factor in the project being a success. Pon Energy Rental's ability to deliver the right equipment and the right expertise in a safe and efficient way has impressed us.
Mr. Hans Inge Hatlevik Task Force Leader at Oseberg sør, Equinor